Our Law Office serves legal help in all regions of Poland. If you google a phrase “personal injury compensation in Poland” you may come across our webpage.
Our Legal Firm specializes in personal injury claims. If the accident that resulted in your injury was the fault of another driver and took place in Poland or was caused by a driver whose car was insured in Poland, then we will claim the compensation against their insurer.
The Law Firm offers legal advice and represents victims of drivers negligence causing personal injuries. Our personal injury claim lawyers act on behalf of those who suffered in road accidents – especially in car accidents, public transport accidents or bicycle / motorcycle accidents and pedestrians hit by a vehicle. We also advice on agriculture and farm accidents claims. All farms in Poland must have a compulsory insurance and when the farm was not insured than the polish UFG (Insurance Guarantee Fund) will cover the claims.
We have a broad experience in personal injury claims when the damage was caused by home animals (i.e. dog bite compensation claims). We can also help to claim right damages when a child has a accident at school or kindergarten. We win for our clients the largest damages claim and personal injury claims, we win the refund direct costs that are accrued directly from the accident (medical expenses) and indirect costs (car hire, loss of salary, costs of care).
The law office may help you if your injury was caused by adolescent (i.e. accident caused by adolescent biker).
Remember, that according to polish civil law, the paid damages must present an economic value that will reimburse pain and moral loss.
Before signing a contract with a potential client, we will give a non-paid legal advice and we will assess if the limitation periods under the polish civil law were not exceeded. Polish civil law sets up various time limits for personal claim litigation. A limitation period will commence at the time that the damage was suffered by the claimant (time of accident) and generally it is 3 years. If the damage was done by a criminal act than the limitation period is 20 years. If claimant is a child than the limitation period is extended till the claimant reaches 20 years old.
Due to medical education of legal counsel Aleksander Stal he can accurately assess the size oz personal injury and the amount of potential claims. In some cases our lawyers will evaluate contributory negligence (passenger of vehicle driven by a drunk driver, crossing a road in non marked foot crossing, driving without seatbelts fastened).
On behalf of our clients we negotiate with an insurer or a person causing damage the highest sum of damages. We represent claimants in front of polish courts. Our personal injury lawyers know how to act if the person who caused the accident or his vehicle were not insured.
As the expertise property damage lawyers we provide a professional legal advice to those who want a full property damage compensation. The Law Firm will win the adequate compensation for damaged vehicles. We get the full compensation from a third party insurer or from comprehensive car insurance. We know how to analyse estimate or appraisal of your losses given to you by the insurer.
We defend your rights to right compensation with confidence and in a professional way. That way the insurer will verify its initial decision and will increase the sum of paid damages.
The lump sum of paid property damages by insurer is lowered very often. Our property damage lawyers will fight for much larger sum of damages. It is common that the insurer propose low damage due to lowered appraisal report (i.e. lowered value of vehicle, lowered number of man-hours for repair, depreciation rates of car parts). Sometimes the car hire costs are not accepted or you get the towing cost refusal. We solve your problems. Even if your car is leased – we get you a compensation of your property damages.
Taking up a case of damages for flooded house we initially will take care that all the necessary evidence is secured. Than we can proof the amount of damages. We provide the service of an independent assessor to evaluate your damages.
According to polish civil code the surviving close relatives have the right to compensation from the person whose negligence caused the death or from the third party insurer.
The aim of the compensation is to compensate the noneconomic and economical damages.
The types of noneconomic compensation available due to wrongful death claims include compensation for loss of care, emotional suffering and grievance, loss of guidance and companionship.
The relatives can also claim economic damages reimbursing costs of funeral and burial expenses, giving deceased a financial support or compensating lost support until the child reaches adulthood and reimbursing other financial losses that the estate experienced as a result of their loved one’s death.
Apart from the above claims our lawyers will fight for punitive damages which are intended to punish the wrongdoer rather than to compensate for a loss.
The polish civil code limits the categories of people who can claim wrongful death damages. Literally it says that entitled are only members of close family. It means: children, spouses, parents, grandchildren, grandparents and siblings.
Analysis of emotional bonds with deceased brings up the answer if a life partner, stepmother or stepfather can be also entitled to successful wrongful death claim. The wrongful death claim can be transferred on to the successor if the responsible for death or its insurer were sued prior to decedent death.
Prowadzimy także sprawy Klientów, którzy zostali poszkodowani przez działanie osób niepełnoletnich (np. potrącenie przez nieletniego rowerzystę).
Pamiętamy, że zgodnie z orzecznictwem Sądu Najwyższego, zadośćuczynienie musi stanowić ekonomicznie odczuwalną wartość majątkową, aczkolwiek nie może stanowić źródła nadmiernego wzbogacenia osoby poszkodowanej.
Przed podjęciem się sprawy nieodpłatnie udzielimy konsultacji prawnej i ocenimy, czy roszczenie o odszkodowanie nie uległo przedawnieniu oraz określimy krąg podmiotów odpowiedzialnych za powstanie szkody. Wykształcenie medyczne mec. Aleksandra Stala, na podstawie przedstawionej przez Klienta dokumentacji medycznej, pozwala we właściwy sposób ocenić wielkość procentowego uszczerbku na zdrowiu osoby poszkodowanej. Jest to niezbędny element do prawidłowego oszacowania wysokości możliwego do uzyskania zadośćuczynienia i odszkodowania. W szczególnych sprawach ustalimy, czy w sprawie zachodzą przesłanki do ustalenia przyczynienia się poszkodowanego do szkody (np. przyczynienie przez poruszanie się z nietrzeźwym kierowcą, przyczynienie przez spożywanie alkoholu z nietrzeźwym kierowcą, przyczynienie przez przechodzenie przez jezdnię w miejscu niedozwolonym).
Reprezentujemy Klientów zarówno na etapie negocjacji z Ubezpieczycielem lub bezpośrednim sprawcą szkody, a także przed Sądem. Co ważne, wiemy jak właściwie prowadzić sprawy, w których osoba odpowiedzialna za zdarzenie nie miała ubezpieczenia, nawet jeśli było to ubezpieczenie obowiązkowe (odszkodowanie z UFG).
Medical negligence cases are complicated and require from a lawyer both medical and legal expertise. The legal office of Aleksander Stal is a team of trusted and experienced medical law specialists. We do have professional skills in those two areas and we are to provide immediate legal representation in all types of medical negligence claims in Poland.
The result of our expertise is a number of won medical negligence cases. We succeeded in claims such as iatrogenic biliary ducts lesions following cholecystectomy, testis amputation due to not diagnosed torsion of testis, malpractice in cosmetic surgery, obstetrics and gynaecology negligence, other surgery and orthopaedic malpractice.
In first step we gather all necessary medical evidence. Afterwards our team of medical negligence solicitors analyse medical and legal aspects of the case. The owner of the law office is a legal counsel and graduated a medical faculty and is a consultant in general surgery. Thus, we are sure that the claims of our clients are well founded.
The study also includes analysis if the patient rights or other personal rights were not broken.
We assess the amount of potential claims and person, medical centre or insurer responsible for damages to be paid. Consequently we represent the claimant in negotiations and medical negligence claim litigation.
The result of our legal advice must not only be only a large sum of won claims for medical negligence damages and monthly pension but also must secre the future of the patient in case of new upcoming health impairment (paid rehabilitation, prosthesis implantation etc).
The medical negligence lawyers also conduct cases considering hospital-acquired infections such as Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C or HIV virus infections.